M.E Power Electronics & Drives


With ever growing technology, advanced courses are required to support electrical engineering graduate study. Power electronics is a cutting-edge technology that is widely utilized in the desalination of plants, in vehicle painting, in the testing of rail cars, and in the production of power units for aerospace, marine, and automotive systems.

M.E in Power Electronics and Drives in CCET was introduced in 2013 with an intake of 24 students under the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, is a 2-Year post-graduation programme which is divided into 4 semesters of six months each. The Programme also covers advanced topics in microprocessors and microcontrollers which are very much needed for today’s Power Electronics engineer. The objective of this Programme is to focus on quality learning environment in power electronic devices, circuits and electric drives to support the application fields of Power Systems, Renewable Systems, Electric Vehicles, HVDC Transmission and Industrial Engineering. It involves an in-depth study of power electronic devices, their application, design, and principles involved in their operation. The various courses in this Programme also compares some of the conventional power electronic devices with modern devices. The lab facilities are well established, so as to provide the students industrial exposure and to encourage the students to design, analyze and create prototype models for the various technologies which can build strong society. Students in our programme receive training in this area and so they can design specialized power electronic solutions for diverse industrial sectors. Students are assigned projects in various domains in Power Electronics for their Phase I and Phase II projects as per the curriculum, which they execute within the campus and convert them into research articles for publications in reputed National/International Journals/Conferences. This post is sponsored by our partners.


To emerge as a Centre of Excellence in Power electronics and drives through innovation and teamwork.


To provide a platform in acquiring knowledge in the field of Power electronics and drives with highest quality in technical education, research and services to the society.

Welcome to the M.E. Power Electronics and Drives Programme,

The department’s goal is to train competent engineers with a worldwide perspective to keep up with the fast-changing technological landscape. The department has signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with reputable organizations so as to provide exposure to the students with cutting-edge technologies. The infrastructure and lab facilities are renovated on a regular basis, providing ample chances for postgraduate students to learn and innovate. The course provides in-depth knowledge of power electronics equipment design, manufacture, control, and testing. The Department has qualified faculty members with strong academic credentials. The faculty’s intellectual strength is reflected in the graduates, many of whom are at the pinnacle of industry and academia in India and internationally. Another focus area of the department is research. Our faculty and students are actively engaged in research and working to publish articles in peer reviewed International Journals and Conferences.
I am confident that the department’s students will uphold the department’s reputation by demonstrating a high degree of professional competence in their respective fields.

My best wishes to all graduates !!!



Graduates will be able

PEO1: To prepare the students for successful career in power electronic industry, research and teaching institutions.

PEO2: To analyze, design and develop the power electronic converter/drive systems.

PEO3: To develop the ability to analyze the dynamics in power electronic converters/drives systems and design various controllers to meet the performance criteria.

PEO4:  To design power electronic systems and special electrical machines for efficient extraction and utilization of various renewable energy sources.

PEO5:  To promote student awareness for the lifelong learning and to introduce them to professional ethics.


On completion of M.E. (Power Electronics and Drives) programme, graduates will be able to

PSO 1: Apply their expertise in power electronics and drives in conjunction with power systems in a creative, dynamic, and demanding environment, for the research-based teamwork.

PSO 2: Investigate scientific theories, concepts, and methodologies in renewable energy engineering, apply this knowledge in their professional setting, and develop the necessary skills to address all of the world’s energy issues in the future.

PSO 3: Analyze research gaps and develop electrical and electronic systems and applications, as well as to install, test, and maintain them by comprehending recent trends and technologies