Christian College of Engineering and Technology
CCET library has been subscribing to the following e-journals/resources which are available online for access throughout the campus
e-Shodhsindhu | |
NDLI | |
IET-Online Journals | |
Springer Open Access | |
PDF Drive For Books | |
ScienceDirect Open Access | |
Wiley Open Access | |
Taylor & Francis Online Open Access | |
Directory of Open Access Books | |
Directory of Open Access Journals | |
Open Access Thesis and Dissertations | |
Shodhganga- a reservoir of Indian Theses | |
The Library has generous collections of Books, General Books, Reference Books, etc.,
No. of Volumes: 27199
No. of Titles: 4364
No. of Back Volumes: 5100
No. of Book CDs: 700
No. of Journal CDs: 540
No. of Computers: 5
No. of Newspaper: 2
UG | PG | ||||
Dept. | Volumes | Titles | Dept. | Volumes | Titles |
ECE | 3380 | 483 | AE | 675 | 152 |
CSE | 4197 | 1103 | CSE | 272 | 89 |
IT | 1758 | 482 | PE & D | 256 | 79 |
EEE | 2485 | 352 | ME | 189 | 64 |
MECH. | 4135 | 664 | CE & M | 104 | 37 |
CIVIL | 3079 | 441 |
General Engg., | 1726 | 360 |
S & H | 4238 | 453 |
General | 547 | 511 |
1 | A. SINTHU | B.A., B.L.I.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., | Librarian
2 | K. MURUGESAN | 10th | Library Assistant |