B.E. Mechanical Engineering
To become a centre of excellence in Mechanical engineering, producing innovative and creative Mechanical engineers to meet the challenges the new environment poses.
- Imparting quality education in Mechanical Engineering to meet the global challenges.
- Enlightening the students as to their professional and ethical responsibilities and training them to build leadership and entrepreneur qualities for a successful career.
- Creating ample opportunities, also guiding students accordingly to acquire jobs.
Dr. P. L. Ramesh Kumar
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)
Graduates will be able to:
- Apply the knowledge gained in Mechanical Engineering for design and development and manufacture of engineering systems.
- Apply the knowledge acquired to investigate research-oriented problems in mechanical engineering with due consideration for environmental and social impacts.
- Use the engineering analysis and data management tools for effective management of multidisciplinary projects.
Program Outcome
On completion of the B.E (Mechanical) degree the Mechanical Engineering graduates will be able to
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods, including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions to societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for the sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Dr. P. L. Ramesh Kumar, M.E., Ph.D., HoD of Mechanical
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest engineering discipline, and plays a significant role in enhancing safety, economic vitality, enjoyment and overall quality of life throughout the world. A prerequisite for development is growth and that is directly related to production or output of a country. If production is done via a sustainable path it can maintain the sustainability of development.
The college has been simply unstoppable in its progress as it has been actively involved in various activities that have brought to light the hidden talents of the college students and staff. Mechanical Engineering is a professional Core engineering discipline that deals with the design, production and maintenance of any produce of any industry. The pride of every student and staff would be in his/her department and college. We are happy to share that many students are pursuing higher studies in leading universities in India and abroad. I am certain that our students will prove to be an invaluable asset to an organization. We, Mechanical engineers to build the nation.

M.E., Ph.d., MISTE.,
HOD / Professor

M.E., Ph.d., MISTE.,
Associate Professor

M.E., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Lab Instructor

Lab Instructor

Lab Instructor

Lab Instructor
The department has 11 Laboratories that conform to the specifications laid down by Anna University to which the college is affiliated.
- Manufacturing Technology Lab
- Special Machines Lab
- Thermal Lab
- Mechatronics Lab
- Dynamics Lab
- Metrology Lab
- Fluid Mechanics Lab
- Strength of Materials Lab
- Sheet metal and welding laboratory
- Engineering practices Laboratory
Rank Holders
(i)UG Level

Rank: 39

Cibin George Mathew
Rank: 48

Rank: 47
(iI)PG Level

J. Jebaraj
Rank: 8
ii) Ford India’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities):- Initiative has sponsored a new Eco Sport Vehicle to the Department of Mechanical Engineering for learning and research purpose of students.

Association Activates
The Mechanical Engineering Student Association was formed in 2011 with the motto of organizing student centric activities like arranging expert lectures, arranging talks for students opting for higher studies and preparing for competitive exams, interdisciplinary programmers, quizzes, product and project demonstration, social as well as non-technical activities. Students also prepare and display wall magazine. The wall magazine covers various technical as well as non-technical events of current happenings in the world.
The Mechanical Engineering association provides a launch pad for the students where knowledge is shared, skills are developed, and technologies are understood and arousing into action. The dynamic Mech association marked its splendid start of this academic year.
The Mechanical Engineering Student Association has organized National Level Technical Symposium, National and International Conference, Seminars, Workshops, Guest lectures for the welfare of the student community.
The department trains and motivates students to attend on-Campus and off-campus placement programs. We inform all our stakeholders that the Mechanical Engineers of CCET are placed in companies like:
• M/s Delphi-TVS Chennai.
• M/s Sakthi Auto components Ltd,Erode
• M/s Genlite Kiriloskar Ltd,Chennai
• M/s Jayam Engineering and Tools ,Coimbatore.
• M/s Texmo Industries , Coimbatore.
• M/s CRI Pumps,Coimbatore.
• M/s Larsen and Toubro, Chennai.
• M/s KGK Industries , Coimbatore .
• M/s Lakshmi machine works , Coimbatore.
• M/s TI Cycles, Chennai.
• M/s Tractors and Farm Equipments, Madurai.
HS3152 -PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH I – [C101] | |||||||
C101.1 | To use appropriate words in a professional context | ||||||
C101.2 | To gain understanding of basic grammatic structures and use them in right context. | ||||||
C101.3 | To read and infer the denotative and connotative meanings of technical texts | ||||||
C101.4 | To write definitions, descriptions, narrations and essays on various topics | ||||||
MA3151- MATRICES AND CALCULUS – [C102] | |||||||
C102.1 | Use the matrix algebra methods for solving practical problems. | ||||||
C102.2 | Apply differential calculus tools in solving various application problems. | ||||||
C102.3 | Able to use differential calculus ideas on several variable functions. | ||||||
C102.4 | Apply different methods of integration in solving practical problems. | ||||||
C102.5 | :Apply multiple integral ideas in solving areas, volumes and other practical problems. | ||||||
PH3151 -ENGINEERING PHYSICS – [C103] | |||||||
C103.1 | Understand the importance of mechanics. | ||||||
C103.2 | Express their knowledge in electromagnetic waves. | ||||||
C103.3 | Demonstrate a strong foundational knowledge in oscillations, optics and lasers. | ||||||
C103.4 | Understand the importance of quantum physics. | ||||||
C103.5 | Comprehend and apply quantum mechanical principles towards the formation of energy bands. | ||||||
CY3151 – ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY – [C104] | |||||||
C104.1 | To infer the quality of water from quality parameter data and propose suitable treatment methodologies to treat water. | ||||||
C104.2 | To identify and apply basic concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology in designing the synthesis of nanomaterials for engineering and technology applications. | ||||||
C104.3 | To apply the knowledge of phase rule and composites for material selection requirements. | ||||||
C104.4 | To recommend suitable fuels for engineering processes and applications. | ||||||
C104.5 | To recognize different forms of energy resources and apply them for suitable applications in energy sectors. | ||||||
C105.1 | Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems. | ||||||
C105.2 | Develop and execute simple Python programs. | ||||||
C105.3 | Write simple Python programs using conditionals and loops for solving problems. | ||||||
C105.4 | Decompose a Python program into functions. | ||||||
C105.5 | Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries etc. | ||||||
C105.6 | Read and write data from/to files in Python programs. | ||||||
GE3152 – HERITAGE OF TAMILS – [C106] | |||||||
C106.1 | |||||||
C106.2 | |||||||
C106.3 | |||||||
C106.4 | |||||||
C106.5 | |||||||
C107.1 | Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems | ||||||
C107.2 | Develop and execute simple Python programs. | ||||||
C107.3 | Implement programs in Python using conditionals and loops for solving problems.. | ||||||
C107.4 | Deploy functions to decompose a Python program. | ||||||
C107.5 | Process compound data using Python data structures. | ||||||
C107.6 | Utilize Python packages in developing software applications. | ||||||
C108.a.1 | Understand the functioning of various physics laboratory equipment. | ||||||
C108.a.2 | Use graphical models to analyze laboratory data. | ||||||
C108.a.3 | Use mathematical models as a medium for quantitative reasoning and describing physical reality. | ||||||
C108.a.4 | Access, process and analyze scientific information. | ||||||
C108.a.5 | Solve problems individually and collaboratively. | ||||||
CHEMISTRY LABORATORY – [C108b] | |||||||
C108.b.1 | To analyse the quality of water samples with respect to their acidity, alkalinity, hardness and DO. | ||||||
C108.b.2 | To determine the amount of metal ions through volumetric and spectroscopic techniques | ||||||
C108.b.3 | To analyse and determine the composition of alloys. | ||||||
C108.b.4 | To learn simple method of synthesis of nanoparticles | ||||||
C108.b.5 | To quantitatively analyse the impurities in solution by electroanalytical techniques | ||||||
GE3172 – ENGLISH LABORATORY – [C109] | |||||||
C109.1 | To listen to and comprehend general as well as complex academic information | ||||||
C109.2 | To listen to and understand different points of view in a discussion | ||||||
C109.3 | To speak fluently and accurately in formal and informal communicative contexts | ||||||
C109.4 | To describe products and processes and explain their uses and purposes clearly and accurately | ||||||
C109.5 | To express their opinions effectively in both formal and informal discussions | ||||||
HS3252- PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH – II – [C110] | |||||||
C110.1 | To compare and contrast products and ideas in technical texts. | ||||||
C110.2 | To identify and report cause and effects in events, industrial processes through technical texts | ||||||
C110.3 | To analyse problems in order to arrive at feasible solutions and communicate them in the written format. | ||||||
C110.4 | To present their ideas and opinions in a planned and logical manner | ||||||
C110.5 | To draft effective resumes in the context of job search. | ||||||
C111.1 | Apply the concept of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples in real life problems. | ||||||
C111.2 | Apply the basic concepts of classifications of design of experiments in the field of agriculture. | ||||||
C111.3 | Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and integration for engineering problems. | ||||||
C111.4 | Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations. | ||||||
C111.5 | Solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with engineering applications. | ||||||
PH3251 – MATERIAL SCIENCE – [C112] | |||||||
C112.1 | know basics of crystallography and its importance for varied materials properties | ||||||
C112.2 | gain knowledge on the electrical and magnetic properties of materials and their applications | ||||||
C112.3 | understand clearly of semiconductor physics and functioning of semiconductor devices | ||||||
C112.4 | understand the optical properties of materials and working principles of various optical devices | ||||||
C112.5 | appreciate the importance of functional nanoelectronic devices. | ||||||
C113.1 | Compute the electric circuit parameters for simple problems | ||||||
C113.2 | Explain the working principle and applications of electrical machines | ||||||
C113.3 | Analyze the characteristics of analog electronic devices | ||||||
C113.4 | Explain the basic concepts of digital electronics | ||||||
C113.5 | Explain the operating principles of measuring instruments | ||||||
GE3251 – ENGINEERING GRAPHICS – [C114] | |||||||
C114.1 | Use BIS conventions and specifications for engineering drawing. | ||||||
C114.2 | Construct the conic curves, involutes and cycloid. | ||||||
C114.3 | Solve practical problems involving projection of lines. | ||||||
C114.4 | Draw the orthographic, isometric and perspective projections of simple solids. | ||||||
C114.5 | Draw the development of simple solids. | ||||||
GE3252 – TAMILS AND TECHNOLOGY – [C115] | |||||||
C115.1 | |||||||
C115.2 | |||||||
C115.3 | |||||||
C115.4 | |||||||
C115.5 | |||||||
C116.1 | :Draw pipe line plan; lay and connect various pipe fittings used in common household plumbing work; Saw; plan; make joints in wood materials used in common household wood work. | ||||||
C116.2 | Wire various electrical joints in common household electrical wire work. | ||||||
C116.3 | Weld various joints in steel plates using arc welding work; Machine various simple processes like turning, drilling, tapping in parts; Assemble simple mechanical assembly of common household equipments; Make a tray out of metal sheet using sheet metal work. | ||||||
C116.4 | :Solder and test simple electronic circuits; Assemble and test simple electronic components on PCB. | ||||||
C117.1 | Use experimental methods to verify the Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws. | ||||||
C117.2 | Analyze experimentally the load characteristics of electrical machines | ||||||
C117.3 | Analyze the characteristics of basic electronic devices | ||||||
C117.4 | Use DSO to measure the various parameters | ||||||
C117.5 | |||||||
GE3272 – COMMUNICATION LABORATORY – [C119] | |||||||
C118.1 | To listen to and comprehend general as well as complex academic information | ||||||
C118.2 | To listen to and understand different points of view in a discussion | ||||||
C118.3 | To speak fluently and accurately in formal and informal communicative contexts | ||||||
C118.4 | To describe products and processes and explain their uses and purposes clearly and accurately | ||||||
C118.5 | To express their opinions effectively in both formal and informal discussions | ||||||
C201.1 | Understand how to solve the given standard partial differential equations. | ||||||
C201.2 | Solve differential equations using Fourier series analysis which plays a vital role in engineering applications. | ||||||
C201.3 | Appreciate the physical significance of Fourier series techniques in solving one- and twodimensional heat flow problems and one-dimensional wave equations. | ||||||
C201.4 | Understand the mathematical principles on transforms and partial differential equations would provide them the ability to formulate and solve some of the physical problems of engineering. | ||||||
C201.5 | Use the effective mathematical tools for the solutions of partial differential equations by using Z transform techniques for discrete time systems | ||||||
ME3351 -ENGINEERING MECHANICS – [C202] | |||||||
C202.1 | Illustrate the vector and scalar representation of forces and moments | ||||||
C202.2 | Analyse the rigid body in equilibrium | ||||||
C202.3 | Evaluate the properties of distributed forces | ||||||
C202.4 | Determine the friction and the effects by the laws of friction | ||||||
C202.5 | Calculate dynamic forces exerted in rigid body | ||||||
C203.1 | Apply the zeroth and first law of thermodynamics by formulating temperature scales and calculating the property changes in closed and open engineering systems. | ||||||
C203.2 | Apply the second law of thermodynamics in analysing the performance of thermal devices through energy and entropy calculations. | ||||||
C203.3 | Apply the second law of thermodynamics in evaluating the various properties of steam through steam tables and Mollier chart | ||||||
C203.4 | Apply the properties of pure substance in computing the macroscopic properties of ideal and real gases using gas laws and appropriate thermodynamic relations | ||||||
C203.5 | Apply the properties of gas mixtures in calculating the properties of gas mixtures and applying various thermodynamic relations to calculate property changes. | ||||||
C204.1 | Understand the properties and behaviour in static conditions. Also, to understand the conservation laws applicable to fluids and its application through fluid kinematics and dynamics | ||||||
C204.2 | Estimate losses in pipelines for both laminar and turbulent conditions and analysis of pipes connected in series and parallel. Also, to understand the concept of boundary layer and its thickness on the flat solid surface. | ||||||
C204.3 | Formulate the relationship among the parameters involved in the given fluid phenomenon and to predict the performances of prototype by model studies | ||||||
C204.4 | Explain the working principles of various turbines and design the various types of turbines. | ||||||
C204.5 | Explain the working principles of centrifugal, reciprocating and rotary pumps and design the centrifugal and reciprocating pumps | ||||||
C205.1 | Explain alloys and phase diagram, Iron-Iron carbon diagram and steel classification. | ||||||
C205.2 | Explain isothermal transformation, continuous cooling diagrams and different heat treatment processes. | ||||||
C205.3 | Clarify the effect of alloying elements on ferrous and non-ferrous metals. | ||||||
C205.4 | Summarize the properties and applications of non-metallic materials. | ||||||
C205.5 | Explain the testing of mechanical properties. | ||||||
ME3393 – MANUFACTURING PROCESSES – [C206] | |||||||
C206.1 | Explain the principle of different metal casting processes. | ||||||
C206.2 | Describe the various metal joining processes. | ||||||
C206.3 | Illustrate the different bulk deformation processes. | ||||||
C206.4 | Apply the various sheet metal forming process. | ||||||
C206.5 | Apply suitable molding technique for manufacturing of plastics components. | ||||||
C207.1 | Prepare standard drawing layout for modelled assemblies with BoM. | ||||||
C207.2 | Model orthogonal views of machine components. | ||||||
C207.3 | Prepare standard drawing layout for modelled parts | ||||||
C207.4 | |||||||
C207.5 | |||||||
C208.1 | Demonstrate the safety precautions exercised in the mechanical workshop and join two metals using GMAW. | ||||||
C208.2 | The students able to make the work piece as per given shape and size using machining process such as rolling, drawing, turning, shaping, drilling and milling. | ||||||
C208.3 | The students become make the gears using gear making machines and analyze the defects in the cast and machined components | ||||||
C208.4 | |||||||
C208.5 | |||||||
C208.6 | |||||||
C209.1 | Use MS Word to create quality documents, by structuring and organizing content for their day to day technical and academic requirements | ||||||
C209.2 | Use MS EXCEL to perform data operations and analytics, record, retrieve data as per requirements and visualize data for ease of understanding | ||||||
C209.3 | Use MS PowerPoint to create high quality academic presentations by including common tables, charts, graphs, interlinking other elements, and using media objects. | ||||||
ME3491 – THEORY OF MACHINES – [C211] | |||||||
C211.1 | Discuss the basics of mechanism. | ||||||
C211.2 | Solve problems on gears and gear trains. | ||||||
C211.3 | Examine friction in machine elements. | ||||||
C211.4 | Calculate static and dynamic forces of mechanisms. | ||||||
C211.5 | Calculate the balancing masses and their locations of reciprocating and rotating masses. Computing the frequency of free vibration, forced vibration and damping coefficient. | ||||||
ME3451 – THERMAL ENGINEERING – [C212] | |||||||
C212.1 | Apply thermodynamic concepts to different air standard cycles and solve problems. | ||||||
C212.2 | To solve problems in steam nozzle and calculate critical pressure ratio. | ||||||
C212.3 | Explain the flow in steam turbines, draw velocity diagrams, flow in Gas turbines and solve problems. | ||||||
C212.4 | Explain the functioning and features of IC engine, components and auxiliaries. | ||||||
C212.5 | Calculate the various performance parameters of IC engines | ||||||
C213.1 | Apply the working principles of fluid power systems and hydraulic pumps. | ||||||
C213.2 | Apply the working principles of hydraulic actuators and control components. | ||||||
C213.3 | Design and develop hydraulic circuits and systems. | ||||||
C213.4 | Apply the working principles of pneumatic circuits and power system and its components. | ||||||
C213.5 | Identify various troubles shooting methods in fluid power systems. | ||||||
C213.6 | |||||||
ME3493 – MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – [C214] | |||||||
C214.1 | Apply the mechanism of metal removal process and to identify the factors involved in improving machinability. | ||||||
C214.2 | Describe the constructional and operational features of centre lathe and other special purpose lathes. | ||||||
C214.3 | Describe the constructional and operational features of reciprocating machine tools. | ||||||
C214.4 | Apply the constructional features and working principles of CNC machine tools. | ||||||
C214.5 | Demonstrate the Program CNC machine tools through planning, writing codes and setting up CNC machine tools to manufacture a given component. | ||||||
CE3491 – STRENGTH OF MATERIALS – [C215] | |||||||
C215.1 | Understand the concepts of stress and strain in simple and compound bars, the importance of principal stresses and principal planes. | ||||||
C215.2 | Understand the load transferring mechanism in beams and stress distribution due to shearing force and bending moment. | ||||||
C215.3 | Apply basic equation of torsion in designing of shafts and helical springs | ||||||
C215.4 | Calculate slope and deflection in beams using different methods. | ||||||
C215.5 | Analyze thin and thick shells for applied pressures. | ||||||
C216.1 | To recognize and understand the functions of environment, ecosystems and biodiversity and their conservation. | ||||||
C216.2 | To identify the causes, effects of environmental pollution and natural disasters and contribute to the preventive measures in the society. | ||||||
C216.3 | To identify and apply the understanding of renewable and non-renewable resources and contribute to the sustainable measures to preserve them for future generations. | ||||||
C216.4 | To recognize the different goals of sustainable development and apply them for suitable technological advancement and societal development. | ||||||
C216.5 | To demonstrate the knowledge of sustainability practices and identify green materials, energy cycles and the role of sustainable urbanization. | ||||||
C217.1 | Determine the tensile, torsion and hardness properties of metals by testing | ||||||
C217.2 | Determine the stiffness properties of helical and carriage spring | ||||||
C217.3 | Apply the conservation laws to determine the coefficient of discharge of a venturimeter and finding the friction factor of given pipe | ||||||
C217.4 | Apply the fluid static and momentum principles to determine the metacentric height and forces due to impact of jet | ||||||
C217.5 | Determine the performance characteristics of turbine, rotodynamic pump and positive displacement pump. | ||||||
C218.1 | Conduct tests to evaluate performance characteristics of IC engines | ||||||
C218.2 | Conduct tests to evaluate the performance of refrigeration cycle | ||||||
C218.3 | Conduct tests to evaluate Performance and Energy Balance on a Steam Generator. | ||||||
C218.4 | |||||||
C218.5 | |||||||
ME3591 – DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENT – [C301] | |||||||
C301.1 | Explain the design machine members subjected to static and variable loads. | ||||||
C301.2 | Apply the concepts design to shafts, key and couplings. | ||||||
C301.3 | Apply the concepts of design to bolted, Knuckle, Cotter, riveted and welded joints. | ||||||
C301.4 | Apply the concept of design helical, leaf springs, flywheels, connecting rods and crank shafts. | ||||||
C301.5 | Apply the concepts of design and select sliding and rolling contact bearings, seals and gaskets. | ||||||
ME3592 – METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS – [C302] | |||||||
C302.1 | Discuss the concepts of measurements to apply in various metrological instruments. | ||||||
C302.2 | A pply the principle and applications of linear and angular measuring instruments, assembly and transmission elements. | ||||||
C302.3 | A pply the tolerance symbols and tolerance analysis for industrial applications. | ||||||
C302.4 | A pply the principles and methods of form and surface metrology. | ||||||
C302.5 | A pply the advances in measurements for quality control in manufacturing Industries. | ||||||
CME347 – LEAN MANUFACTURING – [C303] | |||||||
C303.1 | Discuss the basics of 6 SIGMA | ||||||
C303.2 | Elaborate the lean manufacturing tools. | ||||||
C303.3 | Illustrate about the deeper understanding methodologies of Lean manufacturing. | ||||||
C303.4 | Discuss lean concepts and its elements. | ||||||
C303.5 | Describe the implementation and challenges of lean manufacturing. | ||||||
CME380 – AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING – [C304] | |||||||
C304.1 | Recognize the various parts of the automobile and their functions and materials. | ||||||
C304.2 | Discuss the engine auxiliary systems and engine emission control. | ||||||
C304.3 | Distinguish the working of different types of transmission systems. | ||||||
C304.4 | Explain the Steering, Brakes and Suspension Systems. | ||||||
C304.5 | Predict possible alternate sources of energy for IC Engines. | ||||||
CME397 – SURFACE ENGINEERING – [C305] | |||||||
C305.1 | Describe the fundamentals of surface features and different types of friction associated with metals and non-metals | ||||||
C305.2 | Analyze the different types of wear mechanism and its standard measurement. | ||||||
C305.3 | Analyze the different types of corrosion and its preventive measures | ||||||
C305.4 | Analyze the different types of surface properties and surface modification techniques | ||||||
C305.5 | Analyze the various types of materials used in the friction and wear applications. | ||||||
C306.1 | To impart knowledge on the concepts of Disaster, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk reduction [DRR] | ||||||
C306.2 | To enhance understanding on Hazards, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Assessment prevention and risk reduction | ||||||
C306.3 | To develop disaster response skills by adopting relevant tools and technology | ||||||
C306.4 | Enhance awareness of institutional processes for Disaster response in the country and | ||||||
C306.5 | Develop rudimentary ability to respond to their surroundings with potential Disaster response in areas where they live, with due sensitivity | ||||||
C307.1 | The students able to measure the gear tooth dimensions, angle using sine bar, straightness. | ||||||
C307.2 | Determine mass moment of inertia of mechanical element, governor effort and range of sensitivity. | ||||||
C307.3 | Determine the natural frequency and damping coefficient, critical speeds of shafts. | ||||||
C307.4 | |||||||
C307.5 | |||||||
ME3691 – HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER – [C308] | |||||||
C308.1 | Apply heat conduction equations to different surface configurations under steady state and transient conditions and solve problems. | ||||||
C308.2 | Apply free and forced convective heat transfer correlations to internal and external flows through/over various surface configurations and solve problems. | ||||||
C308.3 | Explain the phenomena of boiling and condensation, apply LMTD and NTU methods of thermal analysis to different types of heat exchanger configurations and solve problems. | ||||||
C308.4 | Explain basic laws for Radiation and apply these principles to radiative heat transfer between different types of surfaces to solve problems. | ||||||
C308.5 | Apply diffusive and convective mass transfer equations and correlations to solve problems for different applications. | ||||||
C309.1 | Summarize the history, concepts and terminology of PLM | ||||||
C309.2 | Develop the functions and features of PLM/PDM | ||||||
C309.3 | Discuss different modules offered in commercial PLM/PDM tools. | ||||||
C309.4 | Interpret the implement PLM/PDM approaches for industrial applications. | ||||||
C309.5 | Integrate PLM/PDM with legacy data bases, CAx& ERP systems | ||||||
MR3691- ROBOTICS – [C310] | |||||||
C310.1 | State the basic concepts and terminologies of robots | ||||||
C310.2 | Know the Procedures for Forward and Inverse Kinematics, Dynamics for Various Robots | ||||||
C310.3 | Derive the Forward and Inverse Kinematics, Dynamics for Various Robots | ||||||
C310.4 | Apply the various programming techniques in industrial applications | ||||||
C310.5 | Analyze the use of various types of robots in different applications | ||||||
CME388-INDUSTRIAL SAFETY – [C311] | |||||||
C311.1 | Explain the fundamental concept and principles of industrial safety | ||||||
C311.2 | Apply the principles of maintenance engineering. | ||||||
C311.3 | Analyze the wear and its reduction. | ||||||
C311.4 | Evaluate faults in various tools, equipments and machines | ||||||
C311.5 | Apply periodic maintenance procedures in preventive maintenance. | ||||||
C312.1 | Explain the layout, construction and working of the components inside a thermal power plant. | ||||||
C312.2 | Explain the layout, construction and working of the components inside a Diesel, Gas and Combined cycle power plants. | ||||||
C312.3 | Explain the layout, construction and working of the components inside nuclear power plants. | ||||||
C312.4 | Explain the layout, construction and working of the components inside Renewable energy power plants | ||||||
C312.5 | Explain the applications of power plants while extend their knowledge to power plant economics and environmental hazards and estimate the costs of electrical energy production. | ||||||
ME3681-CAD/CAM LABORATORY – [C313] | |||||||
C313.1 | Design experience in handling 2D drafting and 3D modelling software systems | ||||||
C313.2 | Design 3 Dimensional geometric model of parts, sub-assemblies, assemblies and export it to drawing | ||||||
C313.3 | Demonstrate manual part programming and simulate the CNC program and Generate part programming using G and M code through CAM software. | ||||||
C313.4 | |||||||
C313.5 | |||||||
ME3682- HEAT TRANSFER LABORATORY – [C314] | |||||||
C314.1 | Conduct experiment on Predict the thermal conductivity of solids and liquids | ||||||
C314.2 | Conduct experiment on Estimate the heat transfer coefficient values of various fluids. | ||||||
C314.3 | Conduct experiment on Test the performance of tubes in tube heat exchangers | ||||||
C314.4 | |||||||
C314.5 | |||||||
ME3791 -MECHATRONICS AND IOT – [C401] | |||||||
C401.1 | Explain Select suitable sensors and actuators to develop mechatronics systems. | ||||||
C401.2 | Discuss Devise proper signal conditioning circuit for mechatronics systems, and also able to implement PLC as a controller for an automated system. | ||||||
C401.3 | Elucidate the fundamentals ofIot and Embedded Systems | ||||||
C401.4 | Discuss Control I/O devices through Arduino and Raspberry Pi. | ||||||
C401.5 | Design and develop an apt mechatronics/IoT based system for the given real-time application. | ||||||
GE3791 – HUMAN VALUES AND ETHICS – [C402] | |||||||
C402.1 | Identify the importance of democratic, secular and scientific values in harmonious functioning of social life | ||||||
C402.2 | Practice democratic and scientific values in both their personal and professional life. | ||||||
C402.3 | Find rational solutions to social problems. | ||||||
C402.4 | Behave in an ethical manner in society | ||||||
C402.5 | Practice critical thinking and the pursuit of truth. | ||||||
C403.1 | Discuss the basics of computer aided engineering. | ||||||
C403.2 | Choose appropriate automotive tools and material handling systems. | ||||||
C403.3 | Discuss the overview of group technology, FMS and automation identification methods. | ||||||
C403.4 | Design using computer aided process planning for manufacturing of various components | ||||||
C403.5 | Acquire knowledge in computer process control techniques. | ||||||
GE3792- INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT – [C404] | |||||||
C404.1 | Discuss basic concepts of management; approaches to management; contributors to management studies; various forms of business organization and trade unions function in professional organizations. | ||||||
C404.2 | Discuss the planning; organizing and staffing functions of management in professional organization. | ||||||
C404.3 | Apply the leading; controlling and decision making functions of management in professional organization. | ||||||
C404.4 | Discuss the organizational theory in professional organization. | ||||||
C404.5 | Apply principles of productivity and modern concepts in management in professional organization. | ||||||
C405.1 | Realize the importance of NDT in various engineering fields. | ||||||
C405.2 | Have a basic knowledge of surface NDE techniques which enables to carry out various inspection in accordance with the established procedures. | ||||||
C405.3 | Calibrate the instrument and inspect for in-service damage in the components by means of Eddy current testing as well as Thermography testing. | ||||||
C405.4 | Differentiate various techniques of UT and AET and select appropriate NDT methods for better evaluation. | ||||||
C405.5 | Interpret the results of Radiography testing and also have the ability to analyse the influence of various parameters on the testing. | ||||||
C406.1 | The students can able to prepare production planning and control act work study, | ||||||
C406.2 | The students can able to prepare product planning, | ||||||
C406.3 | The students can able to prepare production scheduling, | ||||||
C406.4 | The students can able to prepare Inventory Control. | ||||||
C406.5 | They can plan manufacturing requirements manufacturing requirement Planning (MRP II) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). | ||||||
ME3781-MECHATRONICS LAB – [C401] | |||||||
C407.1 | Demonstrate the functioning of mechatronics systems with various pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical systems. | ||||||
C407.2 | Demonstrate the microcontroller and PLC as controllers in automation systems by executing proper interfacing of I/O devices and programming | ||||||
C407.3 | Demonstrate of IoT based Home automation, CNC router, Robotic arm. | ||||||
C407.4 | |||||||
C407.5 | |||||||
ME3811-PROJECT WORK – [C406] | |||||||
C408.1 | Take up any challenging practical problems and find solution by formulating proper methodology | ||||||